Burns Night 2023 – Bannocks

Bannocks O' Bear Meal Bannocks o’ bear meal, Bannocks o’ barley, Here’s to the Highlandman’s Bannocks o’ barley. Robert Burns https://www.bbc.co.uk/arts/robertburns/works/bannocks_o_bear_meal/ As it's Burns Night, January 25, I've decided to make a traditional Scottish flatbread called bannocks. Why this bread? Well, Robert Burns wrote […]

Clootie Dumpling

Much as it may sound like a personal insult – ‘you’re such a clootie dumpling!’ – a clootie dumpling is in fact a traditional Scottish dessert, which gets its name, the clootie part at least, from the fact that the dumpling is made by […]

Dances With Penguin

This photo has everything: a penguin, a kilted Scotsman and the pipes. This photo is most famous after going viral when a cheeky person edited the caption of it on Wikipedia to, ‘Piper Kerr (right), a member of the Scottish National Antarctic Expeditions, plays […]