This is a series that should write itself really. There are so many of us white guys out there, and so many are just complete idiots.
Let’s start at the top, the president of the USA, Donald Trump. No doubt he can be idiot white man of the week every week, no doubt this is an obvious choice, but still …
This week the Donald has been telling his supporters they should vote for him twice. Let’s look at some ways this makes the man a complete tool, and one reason why his presidential chaos may have some sense.
Reasons why asking your voters to vote twice makes you an idiot.
- It’s illegal. Start with the obvious, but it still needs saying. The president of a country is not supposed to encourage criminality. Getting people to vote twice is exactly the kind of activity that gets you targeted for a CIA coup. Does dopey Donald doubt he would be deposed?
- People Who Vote Twice Don’t Get A Vote. Now, as I understand it, the dopey Donald is hoping to prove the system of mail-in voting is corrupt, and he’ll prove it by getting his supporters to vote twice! One problem, each time one of these supporters is caught, their vote (votes?) will be disqualified. Less votes for dopey Donald, not more. Which means …
- If you really believe this will work, get Biden supporters to vote twice! That’s right, reduce the opposition’s vote by getting them to break the law, then prove they did it. Less votes for Biden – dopey Donald wins.
- This will be checked, you’ll be caught! All states have systems in place to stop people voting voting twice. In the event that someone sends in a mail vote and then turns up to vote, this can be spotted. If it isn’t spotted at that moment, it can be checked later.
- If you really want your supporters to cheat, don’t talk about it out loud! Has this man ever been to school? (Actually a real question, perhaps he paid someone to go for him.) Isn’t the dopiest way to cheat is to announce to the teacher the day before, ‘I am going to cheat and this is how I’ll do it.’ Just perhaps, they might check. In other words, keep the plan quiet, tell your supporters … and hope. But now every election official is going to be hot to this one.
- Aren’t you the greatest, all the polls are wrong, so you’re going to win? Oh, but obviously you’re not, as the only way you can win, in your words, is to cheat. We have a word for people like you dopey Donald – loser.
- Voting by mail isn’t fraud, but if it is, you must know, it’s how you vote! isn’t it interesting when powerful rich people saying everything is wrong except when they do it? Well what a surprise, privileged spoiled brat wants to bully you into not doing the thing he likes doing. Dopey Donald doesn’t trust you, dear normal Americans.
- Your own voters want to vote by mail – why undermine them? It may come as a shock to dear dopey Donald, but many of his most likely supporters are old, ill, too poor for decent transport … these people can benefit from voting by mail! Why undermine a system that could get you more votes? Have you heard of Florida? Dearest dopiest Donald, don’t undermine the old folks ability to vote, you need every vote you can get!
Unless …
The dumb one is not so dumb. Undermine the election, make the whole system collapse, create a new civil war, steal all the money, elope with Ivanka to North Korea.
Read more on this in this report: Trump may have “committed a felony” by telling supporters to commit voter fraud: “Do NOT vote twice”