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Author: davidlewis
The Beach
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Being watched
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Meeting mum after two years.
Pandemic has been tough for many families. Being unable to visit my elderly mother has not been a good situation, if understandable in the circumstances. It was great to see her for the first time in two years. A lot of things have changed […]
Inclusive baking, vegan dough on the right, vegetarian on the left, biscuits for everyone.
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Scones. What else are you going to do when the weather’s hot but bake?
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The Story of Charles and Ada – Part 2
The Analytical Machine Look at this paragraph from the video about the Analytical Machine. Some words are in bold. Are those words nouns, verbs, adjectives or adverbs? That machine was built by this guy, Charles Babbage. Now, I have a great affinity for Charles […]
The Story of Charles and Ada – Part 1
This is Charles and Ada, the heroes of today’s lesson. Why do you think they are important? Read the story of Charles and Ada. Why are they important today? This is the true story of two people, Charles and Ada, connected by inventiveness, curiosity […]
Hai România
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Forgotten what a great place this is.
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What’s Going On?
May 1971, Marvin Gaye, the songwriter and performer of hits such as I Heard It Though the Grapevine and Too Busy Thinki’ ‘Bout My Baby, is depressed after the death of his singing partner Tammi Terrell, the failure of his marriage and struggling with […]
I’d forgotten my days in a Berlin based electronic band in the 70s.
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We Have A Dream
I awoke in the night with a fever and the sky was the darkest blue… #scotland #euro2020
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