Magic bus
Tuesday November 1

With a date, less than two weeks now!, for returning to Romania, it feels like we need a crash course on some real-life activities. We’ve done some small amounts of cooking, but today is the time that we will remind ourselves what it’s like to travel by bus.
I make sure to finish work promptly and it’s off to the bus stop. First this means a walk of a couple of kilometres down the road to the bus stop. I make it just in time as for once the bus is exactly on schedule. No time to think about things then, just get on!
Normally a short trip like this, through some local villages on the way to Cupar, wouldn’t be that exciting, but it’s a very good feeling to be doing this alone, not dependent on others to get me anywhere.
In Cupar I make a small mistake and have to walk further than intended to get to the supermarket, the only place I was intending to go. But other than being annoyed with myself, all is fine and I make a few purchases and leave. The bus stop home is just outside the supermarket, but when the bus doesn’t seem to be coming, I decide to go back to the other stop in the centre of town, where I’d originally gotten off. Of course, as typically happens, as soon as I move the original bus comes!
Anyway, with a bit of effort – I can increase my pace if I really try – I get to the other stop, and the bus back arrives shortly after. All is good except now it’s pitch dark, and I realise that I don’t really know where I am and have to follow the route on the map so I know when to get off.
Well, that works, but once I’m off I realise there are no street lights and can’t see anything. The only light comes from passing cars, but these are more blonding that helpful. At this point I remember to use the light on the phone, and by doing this I can see a couple of steps in front of myself and start the walk home. Then it’s my choice of clothes that proves bad. I am wearing totally dark clothes, walking along a dark road, not a great idea. It was daylight when I started I and didn’t think this through. Annoyingly I have a brighter jacket that also has reflective patches, why hadn’t I worn that?
Still, I am free, I’m doing these regular human things, I can look after myself and am confident I can look after myself. I’m ready.