Pain, pain, pain

Wednesday August 10, 2022
Once it’s decided not to operate, I am moved to my room. To my, pleasant surprise this is an individual room. The two porters who take me there are the first two people who fail to notice I am a human, and it’s only when I protest that they even notice that I have bags with my belongings that they need to take with me. Having pointed it put, they proceed to dump the heavy bags on me!
Sleep is very difficult! I am in incredible pain all night, can only lie on my back, not my favourite sleep position, and can’t move, literally I am stuck in this position. Any attempt at movement is impossible, not least as it just increases pain. And to make it worse, the nurse leaves a light on that is above my head and shines in my eyes! Finally, around 2am someone checks on me and switches the light out. I then sleep fitfully for around four hours.
I’m happy it’s morning, except that as the operation is due, there is no breakfast, just a series of preparations for the operation. Anyway, we are taken down for the op, I am talked through what they will do, and then put under and the next I know I’m awake and it’s all done. Good.
Back in the room I can sleep a bit, and then have some food. Only problem, they have brought me the food of the previous patient and it’s a beef curry! Never mind, it was an honest mistake, and a nurse does her best to find me things, a sandwich and couple of cakes later, I’m fine.
I look a mess, but really I’m fine, it’s just the stuff they put on me to sterilise. The leg looks a bit bloated to me, but other than being a bit dehydrated, it’s gone well and I’m doing well. Nonetheless, I’m still in constant pain, haven’t been to the toilet since Tuesday morning, and altogether feeling a bit crap and sorry for myself.
The nurse was late bringing me the evening painkillers, and I really suffer for this.