Not quite singing in the rain
Friday August 12
Washing in a bed is not fun, which might explain why we don’t usually do this. Now, I’m glad I was given a cloth and warm soapy water on previous days and left to wipe myself. It did make me feel better. But today I was able to shower for the first time since before Tuesday morning and it’s a much better experience.
Now that doesn’t mean it’s straight-forward. First, I have to shuffle into the bathroom with the walking frame. Getting naked is simple enough as I am wearing a hospital gown and just need it to fall off. There is a seat in the shower, and I can reach to turn on the water. Now I’m not able to safely raise myself, so some areas are hard to wash, my ability to stretch down and reach the bottom of my legs and feet is pretty much non-existent. However, there is a very refreshing feeling of having warm water cascade over me.
Drying myself has similar issues as washing. I am fine to dab myself dry across my upper body, but some thinking and planning is needed for the bottom half. The towel is large, though, and I can drag it across my feet and lower leg, so all is fine.
Dressing is a different matter. For the first time I’m putting my own clothes on. T-shirt is easy, but trying to get on a pair of joggers is confusing and I end up calling for a nurse to help me. It all feels a bit foolish, but no point injuring myself more just because I want to be independent before I can be.
Sitting on a bed, with teeth brushed and my own clothes on feels wonderful. For the first time since having the accident it’s like nothing happened and I am fine.